Source code for assemblerflow.templates.fastqc

#!/usr/bin/env python3


This module is intended to run FastQC on paired-end FastQ files.

Expected input

The following variables are expected whether using NextFlow or the
:py:func:`main` executor.

- ``fastq_pair`` : *Pair of FastQ file paths*
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA_1.fastq.gz SampleA_2.fastq.gz'``

Generated output

The generated output are output files that contain an object, usually a string.

- ``pair_{1,2}_data`` : File containing FastQC report at the nucleotide level\
    for each pair
    - e.g.: ``'pair_1_data'`` and ``'pair_2_data'``
- ``pair_{1,2}_summary``: File containing FastQC report for each category and\
    for each pair
    - e.g.: ``'pair_1_summary'`` and ``'pair_2_summary'``

Code documentation


__version__ = "1.0.1"
__build__ = "28032018"
__template__ = "fastqc-nf"

import os
import subprocess

from subprocess import PIPE
from os.path import exists, join

from assemblerflow_utils.assemblerflow_base import get_logger, MainWrapper

logger = get_logger(__file__)

def __set_version_fastqc():


        cli = ["fastqc", "--version"]
        p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, _ = p.communicate()

        version = stdout.strip().split()[1][1:].decode("utf8")

    except Exception as e:
        version = "undefined"

    return {
        "program": "FastQC",
        "version": version,

if __file__.endswith(""):
    FASTQ_PAIR = '$fastq_pair'.split()
    ADAPTER_FILE = '$ad'
    CPUS = '$task.cpus'
    logger.debug("Running {} with parameters:".format(
    logger.debug("FASTQ_PAIR: {}".format(FASTQ_PAIR))
    logger.debug("ADAPTER_FILE: {}".format(ADAPTER_FILE))
    logger.debug("CPUS: {}".format(CPUS))

[docs]def convert_adatpers(adapter_fasta): """Generates an adapter file for FastQC from a fasta file. The provided adapters file is assumed to be a simple fasta file with the adapter's name as header and the corresponding sequence:: >TruSeq_Universal_Adapter AATGATACGGCGACCACCGAGATCTACACTCTTTCCCTACACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT >TruSeq_Adapter_Index 1 GATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCACATCACGATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTG Parameters ---------- adapter_fasta : str Path to Fasta file with adapter sequences. Returns ------- adapter_out : str or None The path to the reformatted adapter file. Returns ``None`` if the adapters file does not exist or the path is incorrect. """ adapter_out = "" logger.debug("Setting output adapters file to: {}".format(adapter_out)) try: with open(adapter_fasta) as fh, \ open(adapter_out, "w") as adap_fh: for line in fh: if line.startswith(">"): head = line[1:].strip() # Get the next line with the sequence string sequence = next(fh).strip() adap_fh.write("{}\\t{}\\n".format(head, sequence))"Converted adapters file") return adapter_out # If an invalid adapters file is provided, return None. except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("Could not find the provided adapters file: {}".format( adapter_fasta)) return
@MainWrapper def main(fastq_pair, adapter_file, cpus): """ Main executor of the fastq template. Parameters ---------- fastq_pair : list Two element list containing the paired FastQ files. adapter_file : str Path to adapters file. cpus : int or str Number of cpu's that will be by FastQC. """"Starting fastqc") # If an adapter file was provided, convert it to FastQC format if os.path.exists(adapter_file):"Adapters file provided: {}".format(adapter_file)) adapters = convert_adatpers(adapter_file) else:"Adapters file '{}' not provided or does not " "exist".format(adapter_file)) adapters = None # Setting command line for FastQC cli = [ "fastqc", "--extract", "--nogroup", "--format", "fastq", "--threads", str(cpus) ] # Add adapters file to command line, if it exists if adapters: cli += ["--adapters", "{}".format(adapters)] # Add FastQ files at the end of command line cli += fastq_pair logger.debug("Running fastqc subprocess with command: {}".format(cli)) p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() # Attempt to decode STDERR output from bytes. If unsuccessful, coerce to # string try: stderr = stderr.decode("utf8") except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): stderr = str(stderr)"Finished fastqc subprocess with STDOUT:\\n" "======================================\\n{}".format(stdout))"Fished fastqc subprocesswith STDERR:\\n" "======================================\\n{}".format(stderr))"Finished fastqc with return code: {}".format( p.returncode))"Checking if FastQC output was correctly generated") # Check if the FastQC output was correctly generated. with open(".status", "w") as status_fh: for fastq in fastq_pair: fpath = join(fastq.rsplit(".", 2)[0] + "_fastqc", "fastqc_data.txt") logger.debug("Checking path: {}".format(fpath)) # If the FastQC output does not exist, pass the STDERR to # the output status channel and exit if not exists(fpath): logger.warning("Path does not exist: {}".format(fpath)) status_fh.write("fail") return logger.debug("Found path: {}".format(fpath)) # If the output directories exist, write 'pass' to the output status # channel status_fh.write("pass")"Retrieving relevant FastQC output files") # Both FastQC have been correctly executed. Get the relevant FastQC # output files for the output channel for i, fastq in enumerate(fastq_pair): # Get results for each pair fastqc_dir = fastq.rsplit(".", 2)[0] + "_fastqc" summary_file = join(fastqc_dir, "summary.txt") logger.debug("Retrieving summary file: {}".format(summary_file)) fastqc_data_file = join(fastqc_dir, "fastqc_data.txt") logger.debug("Retrieving data file: {}".format(fastqc_data_file)) # Rename output files to a file name that is easier to handle in the # output channel os.rename(fastqc_data_file, "pair_{}_data".format(i + 1)) os.rename(summary_file, "pair_{}_summary".format(i + 1)) if __name__ == "__main__": main(FASTQ_PAIR, ADAPTER_FILE, CPUS)