Basic Usage

Assemblerflow has currently one execution mode, build, that is used to build the nextflow pipeline. However, more execution modes are slated for release.

Assembling a pipeline

Pipelines can be generated using the build execution mode of assemblerflow and the -t parameter to specify the components inside quotes:

assemblerflow build -t "trimmomatic fastqc spades" -o

All components should be written inside quotes and be space separated. This command will generate a linear pipeline with three components on the current working directory (for more features and tips on how pipelines can be built, see the pipeline building section). A linear pipeline means that there are no bifurcations between components, and the input data will flow linearly. In this particular case, the input data of the pipeline will be paired-end fastq files, since that is the input data type of the first component, trimmomatic.

The rationale of how the data flows across the pipeline is simple and intuitive. Data enters a component and is processed in some way, which may result on the creation of results (stored in the results directory) and reports (stored in the reports directory) (see Results and reports below). If that component has an output_type, it will feed the processed data into the next component (or components) and this will repeated until the end of the pipeline.

If you are interesting in checking the pipeline DAG tree, open the my_pipe.html file (same name as the pipeline with the html extension) in any browser.


The integrity_coverage component is a dependency of trimmomatic, so it was automatically added to the pipeline.


Not all pipeline variations will work. You always need to ensure that the output type of a component matches the input type of the next component, otherwise assemblerflow will exit with an error.

Pipeline directory

In addition to the main nextflow pipeline file (, assemblerflow will write several auxiliary files that are necessary for the pipeline to run. The contents of the directory should look something like this:

$ ls
bin                lib        params.config     templates
containers.config  my_pipe.html  nextflow.config  profiles.config   resources.config  user.config

You do not have to worry about most of these files. However, the *.config files can be modified to change several aspects of the pipeline run (see Pipeline configuration for more details). Briefly:

  • params.config: Contains all the available parameters of the pipeline (see Parameters below). These can be changed here, or provided directly on run-time (e.g.: nextflow run --fastq value).
  • resources.config: Contains the resource directives of the pipeline processes, such as cpus, allocated RAM and other nextflow process directives.
  • containers.config: Specifies the container and version tag of each process in the pipeline.
  • profiles.config: Contains a number of predefined profiles of executor and container engine.
  • user.config: Empty configuration file that is not over-written if you build another pipeline in the same directory. Used to set persistent configurations across different pipelines.


The parameters of the pipeline can be viewed by running the pipeline file with nextflow and using the --help option:

$ nextflow --help

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 0.28.0
Launching `` [stupefied_booth] - revision: 504208431f

                A S S E M B L E R F L O W
Built using assemblerflow v1.0.2

    nextflow run

       --fastq                     Path expression to paired-end fastq files. (default: fastq/*_{1,2}.*) (integrity_coverage)
       --genomeSize                Genome size estimate for the samples. It is used to estimate the coverage and other assembly parameters andchecks (default: 2.1) (integrity_coverage)
       --minCoverage               Minimum coverage for a sample to proceed. Can be set to0 to allow any coverage (default: 15) (integrity_coverage)
       --adapters                  Path to adapters files, if any (default: None) (trimmomatic;fastqc)
       --trimSlidingWindow         Perform sliding window trimming, cutting once the average quality within the window falls below a threshold (default: 5:20) (trimmomatic)
       --trimLeading               Cut bases off the start of a read, if below a threshold quality (default: 3 (trimmomatic)
       --trimTrailing              Cut bases of the end of a read, if below a threshold quality (default: 3) (trimmomatic)
       --trimMinLength             Drop the read if it is below a specified length (default: 55) (trimmomatic)
       --spadesMinCoverage         The minimum number of reads to consider an edge in the de Bruijn graph during the assembly (default: 2) (spades)
       --spadesMinKmerCoverage     Minimum contigs K-mer coverage. After assembly only keep contigs with reported k-mer coverage equal or above this value (default: 2) (spades)
       --spadesKmers               If 'auto' the SPAdes k-mer lengths will be determined from the maximum read length of each assembly. If 'default', SPAdes will use the default k-mer lengths. (default: auto) (spades)

All these parameters are related to the components of the pipeline. However, the main input parameter (or parameters) of the pipeline is always available. Since this pipeline started with fastq paired-end files as the main input, the --fastq parameter is available. If the pipeline started with any other input type or with more than one input type, the appropriate parameters would appear. These parameters can be provided on run-time or edited in the params.config file.

Executing the pipeline

Most parameters in assemblerflow’s components already come with sensible defaults, which means that usually you’ll only need to provide a small number of arguments. In the example above, the --fastq is the only parameter required. I have placed fastq files on the data directory:

$ ls data
sample_1.fastq.gz  sample_2.fastq.gz

We’ll need to provide the pattern to the fastq files. This pattern is perhaps a bit confusing at first, but it’s necessary for the correct inference of the paired:

nextflow run --fastq "data/*_{1,2}.*"

In this case, the pairs are separated by the “_1.” or “_2.” substring, which leads to the pattern *_{1,2}.*. Another common nomenclature for paired fastq files is something like sample_R1_L001.fastq.gz. In this case, an acceptable pattern would be *_R{1,2}_*.


Note the quotes around the fastq path pattern. These quotes are necessary to allow nextflow to resolve the pattern, otherwise your shell might try to resolve it and provide the wrong input to nextflow.

Changing executor and container engine

The default run mode of an assemblerflow pipeline is to be executed locally and using the singularity container engine. In nextflow terms, this is equivalent to have executor = "local" and singularity.enabled = true. If you want to change these settings, you can modify the nextflow.config file, or use one of the available profiles in the profiles.config file. These profiles provide a combination of common <executor>_<container_engine> that are supported by nextflow. Therefore, if you want to run the pipeline on a cluster with SLURM and shifter, you’ll just need to specify the `` slurm_shifter`` profile:

nextflow run --fastq "data/*_{1,2}.*" -profile slurm_shifter

Common executors include:

  • slurm
  • sge
  • lsf
  • pbs

Other container engines are:

  • docker
  • singularity
  • shifter

Docker images

All components of assemblerflow are executed in containers, which means that the first time they are executed in a machine, the corresponding image will have to be downloaded. In the case of docker, images are pulled and stored in var/lib/docker by default. In the case of singularity, the nextflow.config generated by assemblerflow sets the cache dir for the images at $HOME/.singularity_cache. Note that when an image is downloading, nextflow does not display any informative message, except for singularity where you’ll get something like:

Pulling Singularity image docker://ummidock/trimmomatic:0.36-2 [cache /home/diogosilva/.singularity_cache/ummidock-trimmomatic-0.36-2.img]

So, if a process seems to take too long to run the first time, it’s probably because the image is being downloaded.

Results and reports

As the pipeline runs, processes may write result and report files to the results and reports directories, respectively. For example, the reports of the pipeline above, would look something like this:

├── coverage_1_1
│   └── estimated_coverage_initial.csv
├── fastqc_1_3
│   ├── FastQC_2run_report.csv
│   ├── run_2
│   │   ├── sample_1_0_summary.txt
│   │   └── sample_1_1_summary.txt
│   ├── sample_1_1_trim_fastqc.html
│   └── sample_1_2_trim_fastqc.html
└── status
    ├── master_fail.csv
    ├── master_status.csv
    └── master_warning.csv

The estimated_coverage_initial.csv file contains a very rough coverage estimation for each sample, the fastqc* directory contains the html reports and summary files of FastQC for each sample, and the status directory contains a log of the status, warnings and fails of each process for each sample.

The actual results for each process that produces them, are stored in the results directory:

├── assembly
│   └── spades_1_4
│       └── sample_1_trim_spades3111.fasta
└── trimmomatic_1_2
    ├── sample_1_1_trim.fastq.gz
    └── sample_1_2_trim.fastq.gz

If you are interested in checking the actual environment where the execution of a particular process occurred for any given sample, you can inspected the pipeline_stats.txt file in the root of the pipeline directory. This file contains rich information about the execution of each process, including the working directory:

task_id hash        process         tag         status      exit    start                   container                           cpus    duration    realtime    queue   %cpu    %mem    rss     vmem
5       7c/cae270   trimmomatic_1_2 sample_1    COMPLETED   0       2018-04-12 11:42:29.599 docker:ummidock/trimmomatic:0.36-2  2       1m 25s      1m 17s      -       329.3%  1.1%    1.5 GB  33.3 GB

The hash column contains the start of the current working directory of that process. In the example below, the directory would be:
