assemblerflow.generator.process module

class assemblerflow.generator.process.Process(template)[source]

Bases: object

Main interface for basic process functionality

The Process class is intended to be inherited by specific process classes (e.g., IntegrityCoverage) and provides the basic functionality to build the channels and links between processes.

Child classes are expected to inherit the __init__ execution, which basically means that at least, the child must be defined as:

class ChildProcess(Process):
    def__init__(self, **kwargs):

This ensures that when the ChildProcess class is instantiated, it automatically sets the attributes of the parent class.

This also means that child processes must be instantiated providing information on the process type and jinja2 template with the nextflow code.

template : str

Name of the jinja2 template with the nextflow code for that process. Templates are stored in generator/templates.


Class property that returns a populated template string


get_user_channel(input_channel[, input_type]) Returns the main raw channel for the process
render(template, context) Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file
set_channels(**kwargs) General purpose method that sets the main channels
set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, …) Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes.
set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list) General purpose method for setting a secondary channel
update_attributes(attr_dict) Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.
update_main_forks(sink) Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination
RAW_MAPPING = {'fastq': {'checks': 'if (params.{0} instanceof Boolean){{exit 1, "\'{0}\' must be a path pattern. Provide value:\'$params.{0}\'"}}\nif (!params.{0}){{ exit 1, "\'{0}\' parameter missing"}}', 'params': 'fastq', 'description': 'Path expression to paired-end fastq files. (default: $params.fastq)', 'channel': 'IN_fastq_raw', 'default_value': "'fastq/*_{1,2}.*'", 'channel_str': 'Channel.fromFilePairs(params.{0}).ifEmpty {{ exit 1, "No fastq files provided with pattern:\'${{params.{0}}}\'" }}'}, 'accessions': {'checks': 'if (!params.{0}){{ exit 1, "\'{0}\' parameter missing" }}\n', 'params': 'accessions', 'description': 'Path file with accessions, one perline. (default: $params.fastq)', 'channel': 'IN_accessions_raw', 'default_value': 'null', 'channel_str': 'Channel.fromPath(params.{0}).ifEmpty {{ exit 1, "No accessions file provided with path:\'${{params.{0}}}\'" }}'}, 'fasta': {'checks': 'if (params.{0} instanceof Boolean){{exit 1, "\'{0}\' must be a path pattern. Provide value:\'$params.{0}\'"}}\nif (!params.{0}){{ exit 1, "\'{0}\' parameter missing"}}', 'params': 'fasta', 'description': 'Path fasta files. (default: $params.fastq)', 'channel': 'IN_fasta_raw', 'default_value': "'fasta/*.fasta'", 'channel_str': 'Channel.fromPath(params.{0}).map{{ it -> file(it).exists() ? [it.toString().tokenize(\'/\').last().tokenize(\'.\')[0..-2].join(\'.\'), it] : null }}.ifEmpty {{ exit 1, "No fasta files provided with pattern:\'${{params.{0}}}\'" }}'}}

dict: Contains the mapping between the Process.input_type attribute and the corresponding nextflow parameter and main channel definition, e.g.:

"fastq" : {
    "params": "fastq",
    "channel: "<channel>
pid = None

int: Process ID number that represents the order and position in the generated pipeline

template = None

str: Template name for the current process. This string will be used to fetch the file containing the corresponding jinja2 template in the _set_template() method

_template_path = None

str: Path to the file containing the jinja2 template file. It’s set in _set_template().

input_type = None

str: Type of expected input data. Used to verify the connection between two processes is viable.

output_type = None

str: Type of output data. Used to verify the connection between two processes is viable.

ignore_type = None

boolean: If True, this process will ignore the input/output type requirements. This attribute is set to True for terminal singleton forks in the pipeline.

ignore_pid = None

boolean: If True, this process will not make the pid advance. This is used for terminal forks before the end of the pipeline.

dependencies = None

list: Contains the dependencies of the current process in the form of the Process.template attribute (e.g., [fastqc])

input_channel = None

str: Place holder of the main input channel for the current process. This attribute can change dynamically depending on the forks and secondary channels in the final pipeline.

output_channel = None

str: Place holder of the main output channel for the current process. This attribute can change dynamically depending on the forks and secondary channels in the final pipeline.

input_user_channel = None

dict: Stores a dictionary of two key:value pairs containing the raw input channel for the process. This is automatically

determined by the input_type attribute, and will
fetch the information that is mapped in the RAW_MAPPING
variable. It will only be used by the first process(es) defined in a pipeline.

list: List of strings with the starting points for secondary channels. When building the pipeline, these strings will be matched with equal strings in the link_end attribute of other Processes.

list: List of dictionaries containing the a string of the ending point for a secondary channel. Each dictionary should contain at least two key/vals: {"link": <link string>, "alias":<string for template>}

status_channels = None

list: Name of the status channels produced by the process. By default, it sets a single status channel. If more than one status channels are required for the process, list each one in this attribute (e.g., FastQC.status_channels)

status_strs = None

str: Name of the status channel for the current process. These strings will be provided to the StatusCompiler process to collect and compile status reports

forks = None

list: List of strings with the literal definition of the forks for the current process, ready to be added to the template string.

main_forks = None

list: List of the channels onto which the main output should be forked into. They will be automatically added to the main_forks attribute when setting the secondary channels

secondary_inputs = None

list: List of dictionaries with secondary input channels from nextflow parameters. This dictionary should contain two key:value pairs with the params key, containing the parameter name, and the channel key, containing the nextflow channel definition:

    "params": "pathoSpecies",
    "channel": "IN_pathoSpecies = Channel
extra_input = None

str: with the name of the params that will be used to provide extra input into the process. This extra input will be mixed with the main input channel using nextflow’s mix operator. Its channel will be defined at the start of the pipeline, based on the channel_str key of the RAW_MAPPING for the corresponding input type.

params = None

dict: Maps the parameter names to the corresponding default values.

_context = None

dict: Dictionary with the keyword placeholders for the string template of the current process.

directives = None

dict: Specifies the directives (cpus, memory, container) for each nextflow process in the template. If specified, this directives will be added to the nextflow configuration file. Otherwise, the default values for cpus and memory will be used. In the case of containers, they will not run inside any container.

The current supported directives are:
  • cpus
  • memory
  • container
  • container tag/version

An example of directives for two process is as follows:

self.directives = {
    "processA": {"cpus": 1, "memory": "1GB"},
    "processB": {"memory": "5GB", "container": "my/image",
                 "version": "0.5.0"}
compiler = None

dict: Specifies channels from the current process that are received by a compiler process. Each key in this dictionary should match a compiler process key in compilers. The value should be a list of the channels that will be fed to the compiler process:

self.compiler["patlas_consensus"] = ["mashScreenOutputChannel"]

Sets the path to the appropriate jinja template file

When a Process instance is initialized, this method will fetch the location of the appropriate template file, based on the template argument. It will raise an exception is the template file is not found. Otherwise, it will set the Process.template_path attribute.

set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, output_suffix, lane)[source]

Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes. This is performed when connecting processes.

input_suffix : str

Suffix added to the input channel. Should be based on the lane and an arbitrary unique id

output_suffix : str

Suffix added to the output channel. Should be based on the lane and an arbitrary unique id

lane : int

Sets the lane of the process.

get_user_channel(input_channel, input_type=None)[source]

Returns the main raw channel for the process

Provided with at least a channel name, this method returns the raw channel name and specification (the nextflow string definition) for the process. By default, it will fork from the raw input of the process’ input_type attribute. However, this behaviour can be overridden by providing the input_type argument.

If the specified or inferred input type exists in the RAW_MAPPING dictionary, the channel info dictionary will be retrieved along with the specified input channel. Otherwise, it will return None.

An example of the returned dictionary is:

 {"input_channel": "myChannel",
 "params": "fastq",
 "channel": "IN_fastq_raw",
 "channel_str":"IN_fastq_raw = Channel.fromFilePairs(params.fastq)"
dict or None

Dictionary with the complete raw channel info. None if no channel is found.

static render(template, context)[source]

Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file

template : str

Path to template file.

context : dict

Dictionary with kwargs context to populate the template


Class property that returns a populated template string

This property allows the template of a particular process to be dynamically generated and returned when doing Process.template_str.

x : str

String with the complete and populated process template


General purpose method that sets the main channels

This method will take a variable number of keyword arguments to set the Process._context attribute with the information on the main channels for the process. This is done by appending the process ID ( attribute to the input, output and status channel prefix strings. In the output channel, the process ID is incremented by 1 to allow the connection with the channel in the next process.

The **kwargs system for setting the Process._context attribute also provides additional flexibility. In this way, individual processes can provide additional information not covered in this method, without changing it.

kwargs : dict

Dictionary with the keyword arguments for setting up the template context


Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination

sink : str

Channel onto which the main input will be forked to

set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list)[source]

General purpose method for setting a secondary channel

This method allows a given source channel to be forked into one or more channels and sets those forks in the Process.forks attribute. Both the source and the channels in the channel_list argument must be the final channel strings, which means that this method should be called only after setting the main channels.

If the source is not a main channel, this will simply create a fork or set for every channel in the channel_list argument list:


If the source is a main channel, this will apply some changes to the output channel of the process, to avoid overlapping main output channels. For instance, forking the main output channel for process 2 would create a MAIN_2.into{...}. The issue here is that the MAIN_2 channel is expected as the input of the next process, but now is being used to create the fork. To solve this issue, the output channel is modified into _MAIN_2, and the fork is set to the channels provided channels plus the MAIN_2 channel:

source : str

String with the name of the source channel

channel_list : list

List of channels that will receive a fork of the secondary channel


Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.

This will only update the directives for processes that have been defined in the subclass.

attr_dict : dict

Dictionary containing the attributes that will be used to update the process attributes and/or directives.

class assemblerflow.generator.process.Compiler(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: assemblerflow.generator.process.Process

Extends the Process methods to status-type processes


Class property that returns a populated template string


get_user_channel(input_channel[, input_type]) Returns the main raw channel for the process
render(template, context) Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file
set_channels(**kwargs) General purpose method that sets the main channels
set_compiler_channels(channel_list[, operator]) General method for setting the input channels for the status process
set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, …) Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes.
set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list) General purpose method for setting a secondary channel
update_attributes(attr_dict) Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.
update_main_forks(sink) Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination
set_compiler_channels(channel_list, operator='mix')[source]

General method for setting the input channels for the status process

Given a list of status channels that are gathered during the pipeline construction, this method will automatically set the input channel for the status process. This makes use of the mix channel operator of nextflow for multiple channels:


This will set the status_channels key for the _context attribute of the process.

channel_list : list

List of strings with the final name of the status channels

operator : str

Specifies the operator used to join the compiler channels. Available options are ‘mix’and ‘join’.

class assemblerflow.generator.process.Init(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: assemblerflow.generator.process.Process


Class property that returns a populated template string


get_user_channel(input_channel[, input_type]) Returns the main raw channel for the process
render(template, context) Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file
set_channels(**kwargs) General purpose method that sets the main channels
set_extra_inputs(channel_dict) Sets the initial definition of the extra input channels.
set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, …) Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes.
set_raw_inputs(raw_input) Sets the main input channels of the pipeline and their forks.
set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list) General purpose method for setting a secondary channel
set_secondary_inputs(channel_dict) Adds secondary inputs to the start of the pipeline.
update_attributes(attr_dict) Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.
update_main_forks(sink) Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination

Sets the main input channels of the pipeline and their forks.

The raw_input dictionary input should contain one entry for each input type (fastq, fasta, etc). The corresponding value should be a dictionary/json with the following key:values:

  • channel: Name of the raw input channel (e.g.: channel1)
  • channel_str: The nextflow definition of the channel and
    eventual checks (e.g.: channel1 = Channel.fromPath(param))
  • raw_forks: A list of channels to which the channel name will for to.

Each new type of input parameter is automatically added to the params attribute, so that they are automatically collected for the pipeline description and help.

raw_input : dict

Contains an entry for each input type with the channel name, channel string and forks.


Adds secondary inputs to the start of the pipeline.

This channels are inserted into the pipeline file as they are provided in the values of the argument.

channel_dict : dict

Each entry should be <parameter>: <channel string>.


Sets the initial definition of the extra input channels.

The channel_dict argument should contain the input type and destination channel of each parameter (which is the key):

channel_dict = {
    "param1": {
        "input_type": "fasta"
        "channels": ["abricate_2_3", "chewbbaca_3_4"]
channel_dict : dict

Dictionary with the extra_input parameter as key, and a dictionary as a value with the input_type and destination channels

class assemblerflow.generator.process.StatusCompiler(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: assemblerflow.generator.process.Compiler

Status compiler process template interface

This special process receives the status channels from all processes in the generated pipeline.


Class property that returns a populated template string


get_user_channel(input_channel[, input_type]) Returns the main raw channel for the process
render(template, context) Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file
set_channels(**kwargs) General purpose method that sets the main channels
set_compiler_channels(channel_list[, operator]) General method for setting the input channels for the status process
set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, …) Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes.
set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list) General purpose method for setting a secondary channel
update_attributes(attr_dict) Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.
update_main_forks(sink) Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination
class assemblerflow.generator.process.ReportCompiler(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: assemblerflow.generator.process.Compiler

Reports compiler process template interface

This special process receives the report channels from all processes in the generated pipeline.


Class property that returns a populated template string


get_user_channel(input_channel[, input_type]) Returns the main raw channel for the process
render(template, context) Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file
set_channels(**kwargs) General purpose method that sets the main channels
set_compiler_channels(channel_list[, operator]) General method for setting the input channels for the status process
set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, …) Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes.
set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list) General purpose method for setting a secondary channel
update_attributes(attr_dict) Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.
update_main_forks(sink) Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination
class assemblerflow.generator.process.PatlasConsensus(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: assemblerflow.generator.process.Compiler

Patlas consensus compiler process template interface

This special process receives the channels associated with the patlas_consensus key.


Class property that returns a populated template string


get_user_channel(input_channel[, input_type]) Returns the main raw channel for the process
render(template, context) Wrapper to the jinja2 render method from a template file
set_channels(**kwargs) General purpose method that sets the main channels
set_compiler_channels(channel_list[, operator]) General method for setting the input channels for the status process
set_main_channel_names(input_suffix, …) Sets the main channel names based on the provide input and output channel suffixes.
set_secondary_channel(source, channel_list) General purpose method for setting a secondary channel
update_attributes(attr_dict) Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.
update_main_forks(sink) Updates the forks attribute with the sink channel destination