Source code for assemblerflow.templates.trimmomatic

#!/usr/bin/env python3


This module is intended execute trimmomatic on paired-end FastQ files.

Expected input

The following variables are expected whether using NextFlow or the
:py:func:`main` executor.

- ``fastq_id`` : Pair of FastQ file paths.
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA'``
- ``fastq_pair`` : Pair of FastQ file paths.
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA_1.fastq.gz SampleA_2.fastq.gz'``
- ``trim_range`` : Crop range detected using FastQC.
    - e.g.: ``'15 151'``
- ``opts`` : List of options for trimmomatic
    - e.g.: ``'["5:20", "3", "3", "55"]'``
    - e.g.: ``'[trim_sliding_window, trim_leading, trim_trailing, trim_min_length]'``
- ``phred`` : List of guessed phred values for each sample
    - e.g.: ``'[SampleA: 33, SampleB: 33]'``

Generated output

The generated output are output files that contain an object, usually a string.
(Values within ``${}`` are substituted by the corresponding variable.)

- ``${fastq_id}_*P*``: Pair of paired FastQ files generated by Trimmomatic
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA_1_P.fastq.gz SampleA_2_P.fastq.gz'``
- ``trimmomatic_status``: Stores the status of the trimmomatic run. If it was\
    successfully executed, it stores 'pass'. Otherwise, it stores the \
    ``STDERR`` message.
    - e.g.: ``'pass'``

Code documentation


# TODO: More control over read trimming
# TODO: Add option to remove adapters
# TODO: What to do when there is encoding failure

__version__ = "1.0.2"
__build__ = "28032018"
__template__ = "trimmomatic-nf"

import os
import json
import fileinput
import subprocess

from subprocess import PIPE
from collections import OrderedDict

from assemblerflow_utils.assemblerflow_base import get_logger, MainWrapper

logger = get_logger(__file__)

def __get_version_trimmomatic():


        cli = ["java", "-jar", TRIM_PATH, "-version"]
        p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, _ = p.communicate()

        version = stdout.strip().decode("utf8")

    except Exception as e:
        version = "undefined"

    return {
        "program": "Trimmomatic",
        "version": version,

if __file__.endswith(""):
    FASTQ_ID = '$fastq_id'
    FASTQ_PAIR = '$fastq_pair'.split()
    TRIM_RANGE = '$trim_range'.split()
    TRIM_OPTS = [x.strip() for x in '$opts'.strip("[]").split(",")]
    PHRED = '$phred'
    ADAPTERS_FILE = '$ad'

    logger.debug("Running {} with parameters:".format(
    logger.debug("FASTQ_ID: {}".format(FASTQ_ID))
    logger.debug("FASTQ_PAIR: {}".format(FASTQ_PAIR))
    logger.debug("TRIM_RANGE: {}".format(TRIM_RANGE))
    logger.debug("TRIM_OPTS: {}".format(TRIM_OPTS))
    logger.debug("PHRED: {}".format(PHRED))
    logger.debug("ADAPTERS_FILE: {}".format(ADAPTERS_FILE))

TRIM_PATH = "/NGStools/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic.jar"
ADAPTERS_PATH = "/NGStools/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters"

[docs]def parse_log(log_file): """Retrieves some statistics from a single Trimmomatic log file. This function parses Trimmomatic's log file and stores some trimming statistics in an :py:class:`OrderedDict` object. This object contains the following keys: - ``clean_len``: Total length after trimming. - ``total_trim``: Total trimmed base pairs. - ``total_trim_perc``: Total trimmed base pairs in percentage. - ``5trim``: Total base pairs trimmed at 5' end. - ``3trim``: Total base pairs trimmed at 3' end. Parameters ---------- log_file : str Path to trimmomatic log file. Returns ------- x : :py:class:`OrderedDict` Object storing the trimming statistics. """ template = OrderedDict([ # Total length after trimming ("clean_len", 0), # Total trimmed base pairs ("total_trim", 0), # Total trimmed base pairs in percentage ("total_trim_perc", 0), # Total trimmed at 5' end ("5trim", 0), # Total trimmed at 3' end ("3trim", 0), # Bad reads (completely trimmed) ("bad_reads", 0) ]) with open(log_file) as fh: for line in fh: # This will split the log fields into: # 0. read length after trimming # 1. amount trimmed from the start # 2. last surviving base # 3. amount trimmed from the end fields = [int(x) for x in line.strip().split()[-4:]] if not fields[0]: template["bad_reads"] += 1 template["5trim"] += fields[1] template["3trim"] += fields[3] template["total_trim"] += fields[1] + fields[3] template["clean_len"] += fields[0] total_len = template["clean_len"] + template["total_trim"] if total_len: template["total_trim_perc"] = round( (template["total_trim"] / total_len) * 100, 2) else: template["total_trim_perc"] = 0 return template
[docs]def write_report(storage_dic, output_file): """ Writes a report from multiple samples. Parameters ---------- storage_dic : dict or :py:class:`OrderedDict` Storage containing the trimming statistics. See :py:func:`parse_log` for its generation. output_file : str Path where the output file will be generated. """ with open(output_file, "w") as fh, open(".report.json", "w") as json_rep: # Write header fh.write("Sample,Total length,Total trimmed,%,5end Trim,3end Trim," "bad_reads\\n") # Write contents for sample, vals in storage_dic.items(): fh.write("{},{}\\n".format( sample, ",".join([str(x) for x in vals.values()]))) json_dic = { "tableRow": [ {"header": "Trimmed (%)", "value": vals["total_trim_perc"], "table": "assembly", "columnBar": True}, ], "plotData": { "sparkline": vals["clean_len"] }, "badReads": vals["bad_reads"] } json_rep.write(json.dumps(json_dic, separators=(",", ":")))
[docs]def trimmomatic_log(log_file): log_storage = OrderedDict() log_id = log_file.rstrip("_trimlog.txt") log_storage[log_id] = parse_log(log_file) os.remove(log_file) write_report(log_storage, "trimmomatic_report.csv")
[docs]def clean_up(): """Cleans the working directory of unwanted temporary files""" # Find unpaired fastq files unpaired_fastq = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith("_U.fastq.gz")] # Remove unpaired fastq files, if any for fpath in unpaired_fastq: os.remove(fpath)
[docs]def merge_default_adapters(): """Merges the default adapters file in the trimmomatic adapters directory Returns ------- str Path with the merged adapters file. """ default_adapters = [os.path.join(ADAPTERS_PATH, x) for x in os.listdir(ADAPTERS_PATH)] filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "default_adapters.fasta") with open(filepath, "w") as fh, \ fileinput.input(default_adapters) as in_fh: for line in in_fh: fh.write(line) return filepath
@MainWrapper def main(fastq_id, fastq_pair, trim_range, trim_opts, phred, adapters_file): """ Main executor of the trimmomatic template. Parameters ---------- fastq_id : str Sample Identification string. fastq_pair : list Two element list containing the paired FastQ files. trim_range : list Two element list containing the trimming range. trim_opts : list Four element list containing several trimmomatic options: [*SLIDINGWINDOW*; *LEADING*; *TRAILING*; *MINLEN*] phred : int Guessed phred score for the sample. The phred score is a generated output from :py:class:`templates.integrity_coverage`. adapters_file : str Path to adapters file. If not provided, or the path is not available, it will use the default adapters from Trimmomatic will be used """"Starting trimmomatic") # Create base CLI cli = [ "java", "-Xmx{}".format("$task.memory"[:-1].lower().replace(" ", "")), "-jar", TRIM_PATH.strip(), "PE", "-threads", "$task.cpus" ] # If the phred encoding was detected, provide it try: # Check if the provided PHRED can be converted to int phred = int(phred) phred_flag = "-phred{}".format(str(phred)) cli += [phred_flag] # Could not detect phred encoding. Do not add explicit encoding to # trimmomatic and let it guess except ValueError: pass # Add input samples to CLI cli += fastq_pair # Add output file names output_names = [] for i in range(len(fastq_pair)): output_names.append("{}_{}_trim.fastq.gz".format( FASTQ_ID, str(i + 1))) output_names.append("{}_{}_U.fastq.gz".format( FASTQ_ID, str(i + 1))) cli += output_names if trim_range != ["None"]: cli += [ "CROP:{}".format(trim_range[1]), "HEADCROP:{}".format(trim_range[0]), ] if os.path.exists(adapters_file): logger.debug("Using the provided adapters file '{}'".format( adapters_file)) else: logger.debug("Adapters file '{}' not provided or does not exist. Using" " default adapters".format(adapters_file)) adapters_file = merge_default_adapters() cli += [ "ILLUMINACLIP:{}:3:30:10:6:true".format(adapters_file) ] # Add trimmomatic options cli += [ "SLIDINGWINDOW:{}".format(trim_opts[0]), "LEADING:{}".format(trim_opts[1]), "TRAILING:{}".format(trim_opts[2]), "MINLEN:{}".format(trim_opts[3]), "TOPHRED33", "-trimlog", "{}_trimlog.txt".format(fastq_id) ] logger.debug("Running trimmomatic subprocess with command: {}".format(cli)) p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() # Attempt to decode STDERR output from bytes. If unsuccessful, coerce to # string try: stderr = stderr.decode("utf8") except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): stderr = str(stderr)"Finished trimmomatic subprocess with STDOUT:\\n" "======================================\\n{}".format(stdout))"Fished trimmomatic subprocesswith STDERR:\\n" "======================================\\n{}".format(stderr))"Finished trimmomatic with return code: {}".format( p.returncode)) trimmomatic_log("{}_trimlog.txt".format(fastq_id)) clean_up() # Check if trimmomatic ran successfully. If not, write the error message # to the status channel and exit. with open(".status", "w") as status_fh: if p.returncode != 0: status_fh.write("fail") return else: status_fh.write("pass") if __name__ == '__main__': main(FASTQ_ID, FASTQ_PAIR, TRIM_RANGE, TRIM_OPTS, PHRED, ADAPTERS_FILE)