Source code for assemblerflow.templates.assembly_report

#!/usr/bin/env python3


This module is intended to provide a summary report for a given assembly
in Fasta format.

Expected input

The following variables are expected whether using NextFlow or the
:py:func:`main` executor.

- ``fastq_id`` : Sample Identification string.
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA'``
- ``assembly`` : Path to assembly file in Fasta format.
    - e.g.: ``'assembly.fasta'``

Generated output

- ``${fastq_id}_assembly_report.csv`` : CSV with summary information of the \
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA_assembly_report.csv'``

Code documentation


__version__ = "1.0.1"
__build__ = "16012018"
__template__ = "assembly_report-nf"

import os
import re
import json
import traceback
import subprocess

from collections import OrderedDict
from subprocess import PIPE

from assemblerflow_utils.assemblerflow_base import get_logger, MainWrapper

logger = get_logger(__file__)

def __get_version_pilon():

    pilon_path = "/NGStools/pilon-1.22.jar"


        cli = ["java", "-jar", pilon_path , "--version"]
        p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, _ = p.communicate()

        version = stdout.split()[2].decode("utf8")

    except Exception as e:
        version = "undefined"

    return {
        "program": "Pilon",
        "version": version,

if __file__.endswith(""):
    FASTQ_ID = '$fastq_id'
    ASSEMBLY_FILE = '$assembly'
    COVERAGE_BP_FILE = '$coverage_bp'
    logger.debug("Running {} with parameters:".format(
    logger.debug("FASTQ_ID: {}".format(FASTQ_ID))
    logger.debug("ASSEMBLY_FILE: {}".format(ASSEMBLY_FILE))
    logger.debug("COVERAGE_BP_FILE: {}".format(COVERAGE_BP_FILE))

[docs]class Assembly: """Class that parses and filters an assembly file in Fasta format. This class parses an assembly file, collects a number of summary statistics and metadata from the contigs and reports. Parameters ---------- assembly_file : str Path to assembly file. sample_id : str Name of the sample for the current assembly. """ def __init__(self, assembly_file, sample_id): self.summary_info = OrderedDict([ ("ncontigs", 0), ("avg_contig_size", []), ("n50", 0), ("total_len", 0), ("avg_gc", []), ("missing_data", 0) ]) """ OrderedDict: Initialize summary information dictionary. Contains keys: - ``ncontigs``: Number of contigs - ``avg_contig_size``: Average size of contigs - ``n50``: N50 metric - ``total_len``: Total assembly length - ``avg_gc``: Average GC proportion - ``missing_data``: Count of missing data characters """ self.contigs = OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict: Object that maps the contig headers to the corresponding sequence """ self.contig_coverage = OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict: Object that maps the contig headers to the corresponding list of per-base coverage """ self.sample = sample_id """ str: Sample id """ self.contig_boundaries = {} """ dict: Maps the boundaries of each contig in the genome """ self._parse_assembly(assembly_file) def _parse_assembly(self, assembly_file): """Parse an assembly file in fasta format. This is a Fasta parsing method that populates the :py:attr:`Assembly.contigs` attribute with data for each contig in the assembly. Parameters ---------- assembly_file : str Path to the assembly fasta file. """ with open(assembly_file) as fh: header = None logger.debug("Starting iteration of assembly file: {}".format( assembly_file)) for line in fh: # Skip empty lines if not line.strip(): continue if line.startswith(">"): # Add contig header to contig dictionary header = line[1:].strip() self.contigs[header] = [] else: # Add sequence string for the current contig self.contigs[header].append(line.strip()) # After populating the contigs dictionary, convert the values # list into a string sequence self.contigs = OrderedDict( (header, "".join(seq)) for header, seq in self.contigs.items()) @staticmethod def _get_contig_id(contig_str): """Tries to retrieve contig id. Returns the original string if it is unable to retrieve the id. Parameters ---------- contig_str : str Full contig string (fasta header) Returns ------- str Contig id """ contig_id = contig_str try: contig_id =".*NODE_([0-9]*)_.*", contig_str).group(1) except AttributeError: pass try: contig_id =".*Contig_([0-9]*)_.*", contig_str).group(1) except AttributeError: pass return contig_id
[docs] def get_summary_stats(self, output_csv=None): """Generates a CSV report with summary statistics about the assembly The calculated statistics are: - Number of contigs - Average contig size - N50 - Total assembly length - Average GC content - Amount of missing data Parameters ---------- output_csv: str Name of the output CSV file. """ contig_size_list = [] self.summary_info["ncontigs"] = len(self.contigs) for contig_id, sequence in self.contigs.items(): logger.debug("Processing contig: {}".format(contig_id)) # Get contig sequence size contig_len = len(sequence) # Add size for average contig size contig_size_list.append(contig_len) # Add to total assembly length self.summary_info["total_len"] += contig_len # Add to average gc self.summary_info["avg_gc"].append( sum(map(sequence.count, ["G", "C"])) / contig_len ) # Add to missing data self.summary_info["missing_data"] += sequence.count("N") # Get average contig size logger.debug("Getting average contig size") self.summary_info["avg_contig_size"] = \ sum(contig_size_list) / len(contig_size_list) # Get average gc content logger.debug("Getting average GC content") self.summary_info["avg_gc"] = \ sum(self.summary_info["avg_gc"]) / len(self.summary_info["avg_gc"]) # Get N50 logger.debug("Getting N50") cum_size = 0 for l in sorted(contig_size_list, reverse=True): cum_size += l if cum_size >= self.summary_info["total_len"] / 2: self.summary_info["n50"] = l break if output_csv: logger.debug("Writing report to csv") # Write summary info to CSV with open(output_csv, "w") as fh: summary_line = "{}, {}\\n".format( self.sample, ",".join( [str(x) for x in self.summary_info.values()])) fh.write(summary_line)
def _get_window_labels(self, window): """Returns the mapping between sliding window points and their contigs, and the x-axis position of contig Parameters ---------- window : int Size of the window. Returns ------- xbars : list The x-axis position of the ending for each contig. labels : list The x-axis labels for each data point in the sliding window """ # Get summary stats, if they have not yet been triggered if not self.summary_info: self.get_summary_stats() # Get contig boundary positon c = 0 xbars = [] for contig, seq in self.contigs.items(): contig_id = self._get_contig_id(contig) self.contig_boundaries[contig_id] = [c, c + len(seq)] c += len(seq) xbars.append( { "contig": contig_id, "position": c / window, "absPosition": c, "window": window } ) # Get label contig for each window labels = [] for i in range(0, self.summary_info["total_len"], window): for contig, rg in self.contig_boundaries.items(): if rg[0] <= i < rg[1]: labels.append("{}_{}".format(contig, i)) break return labels, xbars @staticmethod def _gc_prop(s, length): """Get proportion of GC from a string Parameters ---------- s : str Arbitrary string Returns ------- x : float GC proportion. """ gc = sum(map(s.count, ["c", "g"])) return gc / length
[docs] def get_gc_sliding(self, window=500): """Calculates a sliding window of the GC content for the assembly Returns ------- gc_res : list List of GC proportion floats for each data point in the sliding window labels: list List of labels for each data point xbars : list List of the ending position of each contig in the genome """ gc_res = [] # Get contigID for each window position labels, xbars = self._get_window_labels(window) # Get complete sequence to calculate sliding window values complete_seq = "".join(self.contigs.values()).lower() for p, i in enumerate(range(0, len(complete_seq), window)): seq_window = complete_seq[i:i + window] # Get GC proportion gc_res.append(self._gc_prop(seq_window, len(seq_window))) return gc_res, labels, xbars
def _get_coverage_from_file(self, coverage_file): """ Parameters ---------- coverage_file Returns ------- """ with open(coverage_file) as fh: for line in fh: fields = line.strip().split() # Get header header = fields[0] coverage = int(fields[2]) if header not in self.contig_coverage: self.contig_coverage[header] = [coverage] else: self.contig_coverage[header].append(coverage)
[docs] def get_coverage_sliding(self, coverage_file, window=500): """ Parameters ---------- coverage_file : str Path to file containing the coverage info at the per-base level (as generated by samtools depth) window : int Size of sliding window Returns ------- """ if not self.contig_coverage: self._get_coverage_from_file(coverage_file) # Get contigID for each window position labels, xbars = self._get_window_labels(window) # Stores the coverage results cov_res = [] # Make flat list of coverage values across genome complete_cov = [x for y in self.contig_coverage.values() for x in y] for i in range(0, len(complete_cov), window): # Get coverage values for current window cov_window = complete_cov[i:i + window] # Get mean coverage cov_res.append(sum(cov_window) / len(cov_window)) return cov_res, labels, xbars
@MainWrapper def main(fastq_id, assembly_file, coverage_bp_file=None): """Main executor of the assembly_report template. Parameters ---------- fastq_id : str Sample Identification string. assembly_file : str Path to assembly file in Fasta format. """"Starting assembly report") assembly_obj = Assembly(assembly_file, fastq_id)"Retrieving summary statistics for assembly") assembly_obj.get_summary_stats("{}_assembly_report.csv".format(fastq_id)) size_dist = [len(x) for x in assembly_obj.contigs.values()] json_dic = { "tableRow": [ {"header": "Contigs", "value": assembly_obj.summary_info["ncontigs"], "table": "assembly", "columnBar": True}, {"header": "Assembled BP", "value": assembly_obj.summary_info["total_len"], "table": "assembly", "columnBar": True}, ], "plotData": { "size_dist": size_dist } } if coverage_bp_file: try: gc_sliding_data, gc_label, gc_xbars = assembly_obj.get_gc_sliding() cov_sliding_data, cov_label, cov_xbars = \ assembly_obj.get_coverage_sliding(coverage_bp_file) # Get total basepairs based on the individual coverage of each # contig bp total_bp = sum( [sum(x) for x in assembly_obj.contig_coverage.values()] ) # Add data to json report json_dic["plotData"]["gcSliding"] = \ [gc_sliding_data, gc_label, gc_xbars] json_dic["plotData"]["covSliding"] = \ [cov_sliding_data, cov_label, cov_xbars] json_dic["plotData"]["sparkline"] = total_bp except: logger.error("Unexpected error creating sliding window data:\\n" "{}".format(traceback.format_exc())) # Write json report with open(".report.json", "w") as json_report: json_report.write(json.dumps(json_dic, separators=(",", ":"))) with open(".status", "w") as status_fh: status_fh.write("pass") if __name__ == '__main__': main(FASTQ_ID, ASSEMBLY_FILE, COVERAGE_BP_FILE)