Source code for assemblerflow.generator.process_details

import logging
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger("main.{}".format(__name__))

    "green_bold": "1;32m",
    "red_bold": "1;31m",
    "white_bold": "1;38m",
    "white_underline": "4;38m",
    "blue_bold": "1;36m",
    "purple_bold": "1;34m"

[docs]def colored_print(msg, color_label="white_bold"): """ This function enables users to add a color to the print. It also enables to pass end_char to print allowing to print several strings in the same line in different prints. Parameters ---------- color_string: str The color code to pass to the function, which enables color change as well as background color change. msg: str The actual text to be printed end_char: str The character in which each print should finish. By default it will be "\n". """ col = COLORS[color_label] return "\x1b[{}{}\x1b[0m".format(col, msg)
[docs]def procs_dict_parser(procs_dict): """ This function handles the dictionary of attributes of each Process class to print to stdout. Parameters ---------- procs_dict: dict A dictionary with the class attributes used by the argument that prints the lists of processes, both for short_list and for detailed_list. """ "\n===== L I S T O F P R O C E S S E S =====\n", "green_bold")) for template, dict_proc_info in procs_dict.items(): template_str = "=> {}".format(template), "blue_bold")) for info in dict_proc_info: info_str = "{}:".format(info) if isinstance(dict_proc_info[info], list): if len(dict_proc_info[info]) == 0: arg_msg = "None" else: arg_msg = ", ".join(dict_proc_info[info]) else: arg_msg = dict_proc_info[info]" {} {}".format( colored_print(info_str, "white_underline"), arg_msg ))
[docs]def proc_collector(process_map, args, processes_list=None): """ Function that collects all processes available and stores a dictionary of the required arguments of each process class to be passed to procs_dict_parser Parameters ---------- process_map: dict The dictionary with the Processes currently available in assemblerflow and their corresponding classes as values args: argparse.Namespace The arguments passed through argparser that will be access to check the type of list to be printed processes_list: list List with all the available processes of a recipe. In case no recipe is passed, the list should come empty. """ arguments_list = [] # prints a detailed list of the process class arguments if args.detailed_list: # list of attributes to be passed to proc_collector arguments_list += [ "input_type", "output_type", "description", "dependencies", "conflicts" ] # prints a short list with each process and the corresponding description if args.short_list: arguments_list += [ "description" ] if arguments_list: # dict to store only the required entries procs_dict = {} # loops between all process_map Processes for name, cls in process_map.items(): if processes_list: # Skip process if process_list is provided and name not in # processes list if name not in processes_list: continue # instantiates each Process class cls_inst = cls(template=name) d = {arg_key: vars(cls_inst)[arg_key] for arg_key in vars(cls_inst) if arg_key in arguments_list} procs_dict[name] = d procs_dict_parser(procs_dict) sys.exit(0)