Source code for assemblerflow.generator.components.distance_estimation

    from generator.process import Process
except ImportError:
    from assemblerflow.generator.process import Process

[docs]class PatlasMashDist(Process): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = "json" self.params = { "pValue": { "default": 0.05, "description": "P-value cutoff for the distance estimation " "between two sequences to be included in the " "output." }, "mash_distance": { "default": 0.1, "description": "Sets the maximum distance between two " "sequences to be included in the output." }, "shared_hashes": { "default": 0.8, "description": "Sets a minimum percentage of hashes shared " "between two sequences in order to include its " "result in the output." }, "refFile": { "default": "'/ngstools/data/patlas.msh'", "description": "Specifies the reference file to be provided " "to mash. It can either be a fasta or a .msh " "reference sketch generated by mash." } } self.secondary_inputs = [ { "params": "refFile", "channel": "IN_reference_file = Channel.value(params.refFile)" } ] self.directives = { "runMashDist": { "container": "tiagofilipe12/patlasflow_mash_screen", "version": "1.1" }, "mashDistOutputJson": { "container": "tiagofilipe12/patlasflow_mash_screen", "version": "1.1" } } self.status_channels = [ "runMashDist", "mashDistOutputJson" ]
[docs]class PatlasMashScreen(Process): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "json" self.params = { "noWinner": { "default": "false", "description": "A variable that enables the use of -w option" " for mash screen." }, "pValue": { "default": 0.05, "description": "P-value cutoff for the distance estimation " "between two sequences to be included in the " "output." }, "identity": { "default": 0.9, "description": "The percentage of identity between the reads " "input and the reference sequence" }, "refFile": { "default": "'/ngstools/data/patlas.msh'", "description": "Specifies the reference file to be provided " "to mash. It can either be a fasta or a .msh " "reference sketch generated by mash." } } self.secondary_inputs = [ { "params": "refFile", "channel": "IN_reference_file = Channel.value(params.refFile)" }, ] self.directives = { "mashScreen": { "container": "tiagofilipe12/patlasflow_mash_screen", "version": "1.1" }, "mashOutputJson": { "container": "tiagofilipe12/patlasflow_mash_screen", "version": "1.1" } } self.status_channels = [ "mashScreen", "mashOutputJson" ] self.compiler["patlas_consensus"] = ["mashScreenOutputChannel"]