

This components estimates the coverage of a given sample based on the number of base pairs in the FastQ files of a sample and on the expected genome size:

\[\frac{\text{number of base pairs}}{(\text{genome size} \times 1e^{6})}\]

If the estimated coverage of a given sample falls bellow the provided minimum coverage threshold, the sample is filtered and does not proceed in the pipeline.

Input/Output type

  • Input type: FastQ
  • Output type: FastQ


The default input parameter for FastQ data is --fastq. You can change the --fastq parameter default pattern (fastq/*_{1,2}.*) according to input file names (e.g.: --fastq "path/to/fastq/*R{1,2}.*").


  • genomeSize: Genome size estimate for the samples. It is used to estimate the coverage and other assembly parameters and checks.
  • minCoverage: Minimum coverage for a sample to proceed. Can be set to 0 to allow any coverage.

Published results


Published reports

  • reports/coverage: CSV table with estimated sequencing coverage for each sample.

Default directives



Reports JSON

  • Coverage (2nd): Estimated coverage

minCoverage: Minimum coverage specified for the module