Pipeline building

Assemblerflow offers a few extra features when building pipelines using the build execution mode.

Raw input types


The output of any component in an assemblerflow pipeline can be forked into two or more components, using the following fork syntax:

trimmomatic fastqc (spades | skesa)

In this example, the output of fastqc will be fork into two new lanes, which will proceed independently from each other. In this syntax, a fork is triggered by the ( symbol (and the corresponding closing )) and each lane will be separated by a | symbol. There is no limitation to the number of forks or lanes that a pipeline has. For instance, we could add more components after the skesa module, including another fork:

trimmomatic fastqc (spades | skesa pilon (abricate | prokka | chewbbaca))

In this example, data will be forked after fastqc into two new lanes, processed by spades and skesa. In the skesa lane, data will continue to flow into the pilon component and its output will fork into three new lanes.

It is also possible to start a fork at the beggining of the pipeline, which basically means that the pipeline will have multiple starting points. If we want to provide the raw input two multiple process, the fork syntax can start at the beginning of the pipeline:

(seq_typing | trimmomatic fastqc (spades | skesa))

In this case, since both initial components (seq_typing and integrity_coverage) received fastq files as input, the data provided via the --fastq parameter will be forked and provided to both processes.


Some components have dependencies which need to be included previously in the pipeline. For instance, trimmomatic requires integrity_coverage and pilon requires assembly_mapping. By default, assemblerflow will insert any missing dependencies right before the process, which is why these components appear in the figures above.


Pay special attention to the syntax of the pipeline string when using forks. However, when unable to parse it, assemblerflow will do its best to inform you where the parsing error occurred.


Several directives with information on cpu usage, RAM, version, etc. can be specified for each individual component when building the pipeline using the ={} notation. These directives are written to the resources.config and containers.config files that are generated in the pipeline directory. You can pass any of the directives already supported by nextflow (https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#directives), but the most commonly used include:

  • cpus
  • memory
  • queue

In addition, you can also pass the container and version directives which are parsed by assemblerflow to dynamically change the container and/or version tag of any process.

Here is an example where we specify cpu usage, allocated memory and container version in the pipeline string:

assemblerflow build -t "fastqc={'version':'0.11.5'} \
                        trimmomatic={'cpus':'2'} \
                        spades={'memory':'\'10GB\''}" -o my_pipeline.nf

When a directive is not specified, it will assume the default value of the nextflow directive.


Take special care not to include any white space characters inside the directives field. Common mistakes occur when specifying directives like fastqc={'version': '0.11.5'}.


The values specified in these directives are placed in the respective config files exactly as they are. For instance, spades={'memory':'10GB'}" will appear in the config as spades.memory = 10Gb, which will raise an error in nextflow because 10Gb should be a string. Therefore, if you want a string you’ll need to add the ' as in this example: spades={'memory':'\'10GB\''}". The reason why these directives are not automatically converted is to allow the specification of dynamic computing resources, such as spades={'memory':'{10.Gb*task.attempt}'}"

Extra inputs

By default, only the first process (or processes) in a pipeline will receive the raw input data provided by the user. However, the extra_input special directive allows one or more processes to receive input from an additional parameter that is provided by the user:

reads_download integrity_coverage={'extra_input':'local'} trimmomatic spades

The default main input of this pipeline is a text file with accession numbers for the reads_download component. The extra_input creates a new parameter, named local in this example, that allows us to provide additional input data to the integrity_coverage component directly:

nextflow run pipe.nf --accessions accession_list.txt --local "fastq/*_{1,2}.*"

What will happen in this pipeline, is that the fastq files provided to the integrity_coverage component will be mixed with the ones provided by the reads_download component. Therefore, if we provide 10 accessions and 10 fastq samples, we’ll end up with 20 samples being processed by the end of the pieline.

It is important to note that the extra input parameter expected data compliant with the input type of the process. If files other than fastq files would be provided in the pipeline above, this would result in a pipeline error.

If the extra_input directive is used on a component that has a different input type from the first component in the pipeline, it is possible to use the default value:

trimmomatic spades abricate={'extra_input':'default'}

In this case, the input type of the first component if fastq and the input type of abricate is fasta. The default value will make available the default parameter for fasta raw input, which is fasta:

nextflow run pipe.nf --fastq "fastq/*_{1,2}.*" --fasta "fasta/*.fasta"

Pipeline file

Instead of providing the pipeline components via the command line, you can specify them in a text file:

# my_pipe.txt
trimmomatic fastqc spades

And then provide the pipeline file to the -t parameter:

assemblerflow build -t my_pipe.txt -o my_pipe.nf

Pipeline files are usually more readable, particularly when they become more complex. Consider the following example:

integrity_coverage (
    spades={'memory':'\'50GB\''} |
    skesa={'memory':'\'40GB\'','cpus':'4'} |
    trimmomatic fastqc (
        spades pilon (abricate={'extra_input':'default'} | prokka) |
        skesa pilon (abricate | prokka)

In addition to be more readable, it is also easier to edit, re-use and share.