
Several dotfiles (files prefixed by a single ., as in .status) are created at the beginning of every nextflow process that has the following placeholder (see Create process template):

process myProcess {
    {% include "post.txt" ignore missing %}

The actual script that creates the dotfiles is found in assemblerflow/bin, is called and executes the following command:

touch .status .warning .fail .report.json .versions


The .status file simply stores a string with the run status of the process. The supported status are:

  • pass: The process finished successfully
  • fail: The process ran without unexpected issues but failed due to some quality control check
  • error: The process exited with an unexpected error.


The .warning file stores any warnings that may occur during the execution of the process. There is no particular format for the warning messages other than that each individual warning should be in a separate line.


The .fail file stores any fail messages that may occur during the execution of the process. When this occurs, the .status channel must have the fail string as well. As in the warning dotfile, there is no particular format for the fail message.

Report JSON

The .report.json file stores any information from a given process that is deemed worthy of being reported and displayed at the end of the pipeline. Any information can be stored in this file, as long as it is in JSON format, but there are a couple of recommendations that are necessary to follow for them to be processed by a reporting web app (Currently hosted at report-nf). However, if data processing will be performed with custom scripts, feel free to specify your own format.

Information for tables

Information meant to be displayed in tables should be in the following format:

json_dic = {
    "tableRow": [
        {"header": "Raw BP",
         "value": chars,
         "table": "assembly",
         "columnBar": True},

This means that the chars variable that is created during the execution of the process should appear as a table entry with the specified header and value. The table key specifies in which table of the reports it will appear and the columnBar key informs the report generator to create a bar column in that particular cell.

Information for plots

Information meant to be displayed in plots should be in the following format:

json_dic = {
    "plotData":  {
        "size_dist": size_dist

This is a simple key:value pair, where the key is the ID of the plot in the reports and the size_dist contains the plot data that was gathered for a particular process.

Other information

Other than tables and plots, which have a somewhat predefined format, there is not particular format for other information. They will simply store the data of interest to report and it will be the job of a downstream report app to process that data into an actual visual report.


The .version dotfile should contain a list of JSON objects with the version information of the programs used in any given process. There are only two required key:value pairs:

  • program: String with the name of the software/script/template
  • version: String with the version of said software.

As an example:

version = {
    "program": "abricate"
    "version": "0.3.7"

Key:value pairs with other metadata can be included at will for downstream processing.