Source code for flowcraft.generator.components.assembly

    from generator.process import Process
except ImportError:
    from flowcraft.generator.process import Process

[docs]class Bcalm(Process): """Bcalm process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: fastq - ``output_type``: assembly - ``ptype``: assembly """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "fasta" self.params = { "bcalmKmerSize": { "default": 31, "description": "size of a kmer" }, "clearInput": { "default": "false", "description": "Permanently removes temporary input files. This option " "is only useful to remove temporary files in large " "workflows and prevents nextflow's resume functionality. " "Use with caution." } } self.directives = {"bcalm": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "", "version": "2.2.0--hd28b015_2", "scratch": "true" }}
[docs]class Spades(Process): """Spades process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: fastq - ``output_type``: assembly - ``ptype``: assembly It contains one **secondary channel link end**: - ``SIDE_max_len`` (alias: ``SIDE_max_len``): Receives max read length """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "fasta" self.link_end.append({"link": "SIDE_max_len", "alias": "SIDE_max_len"}) self.link_start.append("gfa1") self.dependencies = ["integrity_coverage"] self.params = { "spadesMinCoverage": { "default": 2, "description": "The minimum number of reads to consider an edge in the" " de Bruijn graph during the assembly" }, "spadesMinKmerCoverage": { "default": 2, "description": "Minimum contigs K-mer coverage. After assembly only " "keep contigs with reported k-mer coverage equal or " "above this value" }, "spadesKmers": { "default": "'auto'", "description": "If 'auto' the SPAdes k-mer lengths will be determined " "from the maximum read length of each assembly. If " "'default', SPAdes will use the default k-mer lengths. " }, "clearInput": { "default": "false", "description": "Permanently removes temporary input files. This option " "is only useful to remove temporary files in large " "workflows and prevents nextflow's resume functionality. " "Use with caution." }, "disableRR": { "default": "false", "description": "disables repeat resolution stage of assembling." } } self.directives = {"spades": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "flowcraft/spades", "version": "3.12.0-1", "scratch": "true" }}
[docs]class Skesa(Process): """Skesa process template interface """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "fasta" self.directives = {"skesa": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "flowcraft/skesa", "version": "2.3.0-1", "scratch": "true" }} self.params = { "clearInput": { "default": "false", "description": "Permanently removes temporary input files. This option " "is only useful to remove temporary files in large " "workflows and prevents nextflow's resume functionality. " "Use with caution." } }
[docs]class ViralAssembly(Process): """ Process to assemble viral genomes, based on SPAdes and megahit """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "fasta" self.dependencies = ["integrity_coverage"] self.status_channels = ["va_spades", "va_megahit", "report_viral_assembly"] self.link_end.append({"link": "SIDE_max_len", "alias": "SIDE_max_len"}) self.directives = {"va_spades": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "flowcraft/viral_assembly", "version": "0.1-1", "scratch": "true" }, "va_megahit": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "flowcraft/viral_assembly", "version": "0.1-1", "scratch": "true" }} self.params = { "minimumContigSize": { "default": 10000, "description": "Expected genome size in bases" }, "spadesMinCoverage": { "default": 2, "description": "The minimum number of reads to consider an edge in the" " de Bruijn graph during the assembly" }, "spadesMinKmerCoverage": { "default": 2, "description": "Minimum contigs K-mer coverage. After assembly only " "keep contigs with reported k-mer coverage equal or " "above this value" }, "spadesKmers": { "default": "'auto'", "description": "If 'auto' the SPAdes k-mer lengths will be determined " "from the maximum read length of each assembly. If " "'default', SPAdes will use the default k-mer lengths. " }, "megahitKmers": { "default": "'auto'", "description": "If 'auto' the megahit k-mer lengths will be determined " "from the maximum read length of each assembly. If " "'default', megahit will use the default k-mer lengths. " "(default: $params.megahitKmers)" }, "clearInput": { "default": "false", "description": "Permanently removes temporary input files. This option " "is only useful to remove temporary files in large " "workflows and prevents nextflow's resume functionality. " "Use with caution." } }
[docs]class Abyss(Process): """ABySS process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: fastq - ``output_type``: assembly - ``ptype``: assembly """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "fasta" self.link_start.append("gfa1") self.params = { "abyssKmer": { "default": "96", "description": "kmer size for assembly." } } self.directives = {"abyss": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "flowcraft/abyss", "version": "2.1.1", "scratch": "true" }}
[docs]class Unicycler(Process): """Unicycler process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: fastq - ``output_type``: assembly - ``ptype``: assembly """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "fasta" self.link_start.append("gfa1") self.directives = {"unicycler": { "cpus": 4, "container": "", "version": "0.4.7--py36hdbcaa40_0", "scratch": "true" }}