Source code for flowcraft.generator.components.patlas_mapping

    from generator.process import Process
except ImportError:
    from flowcraft.generator.process import Process

[docs]class MappingPatlas(Process): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = "json" self.params = { "trim5": { "default": 0, "description": "Sets trim5 option for bowtie. This will become" " legacy with QC integration, but it enables to" " trim 5' end of reads to be mapped with " "bowtie2." }, "cov_cutoff": { "default": 0.6, "description": "This variable sets a cutoff for the percentage" " of the query reference sequence that is " "covered by reads (in absolute lenght)." }, "refIndex": { "default": "'/ngstools/data/indexes/patlas_bowtie2_index'", "description": "Specifies the reference indexes to be provided" " to bowtie2." }, "samtoolsIndex": { "default": "'/ngstools/data/indexes/master_fasta_plasmid_db.fas.fai'", "description": "Specifies the reference indexes to be provided" " to samtools." }, "lengthJson": { "default": "'/ngstools/data/length_plasmid_db.json'", "description": "A dictionary of all the lengths of reference " "sequences." } } self.directives = { "mappingBowtie": { "container": "flowcraft/mapping-patlas", "version": "1.6.0-1", "cpus": 1, "memory": "{ 4.GB * task.attempt }", "scratch": "true" }, "jsonDumpingMapping": { "container": "flowcraft/mapping-patlas", "version": "1.6.0-1", "cpus": 1, "memory": "'4GB'" } } self.status_channels = [ "mappingBowtie", "jsonDumpingMapping" ] self.compiler["patlas_consensus"] = ["mappingOutputChannel"]