Source code for flowcraft.generator.components.typing

    from generator.process import Process
except ImportError:
    from flowcraft.generator.process import Process

[docs]class SeqTyping(Process): """ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = None self.link_start = None self.directives = {"seq_typing": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "'4GB'", "container": "flowcraft/seq_typing", "version": "2.0-1" }} self.params = { "referenceFileO": { "default": "null", "description": "Fasta file containing reference sequences. If more" "than one file is passed via the 'referenceFileH parameter" ", a reference sequence for each file will be determined. " }, "referenceFileH": { "default": "null", "description": "Fasta file containing reference sequences. If more" "than one file is passed via the 'referenceFileO parameter" ", a reference sequence for each file will be determined. " } }
[docs]class PathoTyping(Process): """ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = None self.ignore_type = True self.params = { "species": { "default": "null", "description": "Species name. Must be the complete species name with" "genus and species, e.g.: 'Yersinia enterocolitica'. " } } self.link_start = None self.link_end.append({"link": "MAIN_raw", "alias": "SIDE_PathoType_raw"}) self.directives = {"patho_typing": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "'4GB'", "container": "flowcraft/patho_typing", "version": "0.3.0-1" }}
[docs]class Sistr(Process): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = None self.directives = {"sistr": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "'4GB'", "container": "ummidock/sistr_cmd", "version": "1.0.2" }}
[docs]class Momps(Process): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = None self.link_end.append({"link": "__fastq", "alias": "_LAST_fastq"}) self.params = { "clearInput": { "default": "false", "description": "Permanently removes temporary input files. This option " "is only useful to remove temporary files in large " "workflows and prevents nextflow's resume functionality. " "Use with caution." } } self.directives = { "momps": { "cpus": 3, "memory": "'4GB'", "container": "flowcraft/momps", "version": "0.1.1-1" } }
[docs]class DengueTyping(Process): """ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = "fasta" self.link_end.append({"link": "__fastq", "alias": "_LAST_fastq"}) self.link_start.extend(["_ref_seqTyping"]) self.params = { "reference": { "default": "ref/DENV_TYPING_DB_V2.fasta", "description": "Typing database." }, "get_genome": { "default": "true", "description": "Retrieves the sequence of the closest reference." } } self.directives = {"dengue_typing_assembly": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "'1GB'", "container": "flowcraft/seq_typing", "version": "2.0-1" }, "dengue_typing_reads": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "{ 5.GB * task.attempt }", "container": "ummidock/seq_typing", "version": "2.2-02" } } self.status_channels = [ "dengue_typing_assembly", "dengue_typing_reads" ]
[docs]class Seroba(Process): """ Serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae sequencing data """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = None self.params = { "coverage": { "default": "20", "description": "Threshold for k-mer coverage of the reference sequence (default = 20)" } } self.directives = { "seroba": { "cpus": 3, "memory": "'4GB'", "container": "sangerpathogens/seroba", "version": "latest" } }
[docs]class Pneumocat(Process): """ Serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae sequencing data """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fastq" self.output_type = None self.params = { } self.directives = { "pneumocat": { "cpus": 4, "memory": "'4GB'", "container": "cimendes/pneumocat", "version": "latest" } } self.status_channels = [ "pneumocat", "report_pneumocat" ]