Source code for flowcraft.generator.components.annotation

    from generator.process import Process
except ImportError:
    from flowcraft.generator.process import Process

[docs]class Abricate(Process): """Abricate mapping process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: assembly - ``output_type``: None - ``ptype``: post_assembly It contains one **secondary channel link end**: - ``MAIN_assembly`` (alias: ``MAIN_assembly``): Receives the last assembly. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = None self.ignore_type = True self.status_channels = ["STATUS_abricate", "STATUS_process_abricate"] self.params = { "abricateDatabases": { "default": '["resfinder", "card", "vfdb", "plasmidfinder", ' '"virulencefinder", "bacmet"]', "description": "Specify the databases for abricate." }, "abricateDataDir": { "default": 'null', "description": "Specify the full path location of the database " "folders." }, "abricateMinId": { "default": '75', "description": "Minimum DNA %identity." }, "abricateMinCov": { "default": '0', "description": "Minimum DNA %coverage." } } self.link_start = None self.link_end.append({"link": "MAIN_assembly", "alias": "MAIN_assembly"}) self.directives = { "abricate": { "container": "flowcraft/abricate", "version": "0.8.0-3" }, "process_abricate": { "container": "flowcraft/abricate", "version": "0.8.0-3" } }
[docs]class CardRgi(Process): """card's rgi process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: fasta - ``output_type``: txt - ``ptype``: resistance gene detection (assembly) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = "txt" self.params = { "alignmentTool": { "default": "'DIAMOND'", "description": "Specifies the alignment tool." "Options: DIAMOND or BLAST" } } self.directives = { "card_rgi": { "container": "flowcraft/card_rgi", "version": "4.0.2-0.1", "memory": "{10.Gb*task.attempt}" } } self.status_channels = [ "card_rgi" ]
[docs]class Prokka(Process): """Prokka mapping process template interface This process is set with: - ``input_type``: assembly - ``output_type``: None - ``ptype``: post_assembly It contains one **secondary channel link end**: - ``MAIN_assembly`` (alias: ``MAIN_assembly``): Receives the last assembly. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = None self.ignore_type = True self.link_start = None self.link_end.append({"link": "MAIN_assembly", "alias": "MAIN_assembly"}) self.params = { "centre": { "default": "'UMMI'", "description": "sequencing centre ID" }, "kingdom": { "default": "'Bacteria'", "description": "Annotation mode: Archaea|Bacteria|Mitochondria" "|Viruses (default 'Bacteria')" }, "genus": { "default": "false", "description": "Genus name (default 'Genus'). This also adds" "the --usegenus flag to prokka" }, } self.directives = { "prokka": { "cpus": 2, "container": "ummidock/prokka", "version": "1.12" } }
[docs]class Diamond(Process): """diamond process for protein database queries This process is set with: - ``input_type``: fasta - ``output_type``: None - ``ptype``: post_assembly """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_type = "fasta" self.output_type = None self.params = { "pathToDb": { "default": 'null', "description": "Provide full path for the diamond database. " "If none is provided then will try to fetch from" " the previous process. Default: None" }, "fastaToDb": { "default": 'null', "description": "Provide the full path for the fasta to " "construct a diamond database. Default: None" }, "blastType": { "default": "'blastx'", "description": "Defines the type of blast that diamond will do." "Can wither be blastx or blastp. Default: blastx" } } self.directives = { "diamond": { "container": "flowcraft/diamond", "version": "0.9.22-1", "memory": "{ 4.GB * task.attempt }", "cpus": 2 } }